Chain O' Lakes State Park

Be advised that there is a minimum security state prison ( on the eastern part of the State Park which houses around 150 minimum security prisoners that are deemed not to be a threat; there are no fences around the prison. Having lived in the area for many years, I do not remember any incidents of prisoners causing any types of issues as they generally want to be there and don't want to do anything to jeopardize their remaining time.

basic gate fees

Weekdays - $4 Indiana plates

Weekends Fri-Sun, Holidays - $5 Indiana plates

Non-Indiana Residents - $7

Pedestrians, bikes, by horse - $2

boating fees

Canoe Rental - Fridays, weekends and holidays only: $2 hour / $20 daily

Paddleboat Rental - Fridays, weekends and holidays only: $5 hour / No daily rental

Rowboat Rental - Daily: $5 hour / $20 daily

Personal Watercraft - Free: Trolling motors only. Use public boat ramps and obey park regulations.